Luckily, I'm an early riser, and recently it's been glorious at seven or eight in the morning, being on the boat with no sounds except only for some sea-gulls squeeeee-wawk-wawk-wawking - and my paint-brush painting.
For these first couple of hours even I can be impressed with my own productivity.
In Wivenhoe, we are lucky enough to have our very own barbers, run by the amiable Alfie. As well as being at the cutting edge of his profession, he's also damn fine behind a lens and doesn't miss a trick.
I become thirsty and decide to pop round the corner to get a Coke, and as I go past Alfie's I tell him how much painting I've got to do on the boat today, and I rush back, eager to get on.
But then as the morning develops, so do the number of people around the quay. It would be rude of me not to pause from the task in hand and natter to a few.
It's only a matter of time before there are rumblings in my tummy, and I may as well stop for a while, have some lunch on the rear deck and soak up some rays. I invite Pete, one of my nautical neighbours, over to join me. We sit and eat and chat, and chat some more, as the tide gently comes in.
After an hour or so I get up. 'Right, Pete. I've got to get on now. I've got a lot of painting to do'
Pete returns to the jobs on his boat and I pick up my paint-brush one more time.
Then my phone goes. It's 'Erindoors. 'I'm coming over to join you while you're working'. 'No, no, no'. I protest. 'I've got to get on with this painting.'
I obviously didn't protest strongly enough, and she arrives a few minutes later, and asks me if I'd like a Guinness.
'I'll just have the one then. But only one. I've got to get on with this painting'
And then Alfie the Barber walks by and catches me 'at work'. I finally give in in to the powers of the black stuff and put away my brushes.
There's always maƱana. That's what it's all about here. Cheers, Alfie.
Welcome to my blog about an old boat that used to cruise the Norfolk Broads in the '70's. I was given it to renovate and bring to Wivenhoe in the early noughties, and since then it's morphed into a few guises: a pirate radio station, a home to a gorilla, an open garden, a Writer's Retreat, a party venue, a vinyl haven, and even a golf course. Most importantly it's always been a peaceful sanctuary for a few pansies and other flowers. Welcome to my Boat For My Potplants...

The boat 'MISS BAUDET' is a garden, party venue, writers' retreat and HQ for serious meetings with my publisher David
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