There's been so much happening with the Boat For My Potplants since my last blog - only a few short days ago, when I went out on it for the first time.
Firstly there was the spectacular Wivenhoe Regatta on Saturday when we welcomed at one point 15 people on board all at the same time, and a good party was had by all.
Secondly there was the meeting set up with the chaps at Radio Wivenhoe to progress my nutty-as-a-fruitcake idea to turn the boat into The World's Smallest Pirate Radio Station. It looks like it might actually happen. Watch this space!
Thirdly I went down to dead-head the old geraniums yesterday, and Nautical Neighbour John was next door fiddling with his ropes. He kindly offered to take me out for some much-appreciated tuition on my boat, teaching me how to get used to my Shiny Suzuki. I learned about wind directions, currents, tides, reversing and turning. John certainly knows his stuff.
He let me take the helm all the time, including going out and back in to my mooring.
Considering his boat is moored next to mine, and it's a hundred-year-old beauty and must be worth a mint, he took a lot of guts to entrust me with the maneuvering. I took it nice and slow, and even though I say so myself, I think I didn't do too bad a job, thanks to John's excellent tuition skills.
Much respect to him.