Well, I did dinner on the boat - cooking on gas. Fillet steak no less.
All jolly good, but The Boat Currently Without Any Potplants is lacking a certain necessity as well as plants - namely a dining table. We had to make do with the rear deck. Mon dieu! Sacre Blue.
As 'Erindoors (yes, she's back!) would say to me: "Why do you always have to make something so simple into something so complicated?" She does have a point.
I could buy a folding table from The Range for twenty squids.
Or I could even make one myself out of a bit of B&Q ply.
But that wouldn't be me.
So, I'm hoping that my good neighbour from across the road, Sam, can help me when he next goes to Cornwall to his fab place that we want to rent next year.
You see, I've asked him to look out for a surfboard that I can saw in half and turn into a boat-table. It's all very logical to me. I hope Sam can find one for me. There's an Aldi steak in it for him if he can.